IN THE HALF LIGHT 2nd April 2021

I am so excited about sharing my new music with you! My new EP IN THE HALF LIGHT will be released 2nd April 2021 with a YouTube Premiere of the film I have made to accompany all six songs. The film is a journey from night to day and features all the lyrics. This collection of songs is about letting go of those things that no longer serve us and welcoming change, despite the difficulties it can bring.

IN THE HALF LIGHT features electronic textures, electric guitar and vocal layers and I have loved taking time to explore new sounds and techniques in order to produce this EP.

IN THE HALF LIGHT will also be available to buy via Bandcamp from 2nd April 2021, initially as MP3 download and soon after there will be a limited number of CDs available too


You can join the YouTube Premiere Here at 9pm Friday 2nd April. It would be so great to see you there x

Whilst you’re there you can also subscribe to my YouTube channel and receive notifications when i upload new content

Astraluna’s YouTube Channel


I am also planning an album release towards the end of 2021 – the songs are all written but need some more time to grow before I can share them with you; during lockdown I am continuing to produce these songs, spending as much time in the studio as I can. The album is called THE SEVEN SISTERS and takes inspiration from the Pleiades constellation; the myths and stories associated with them that have evolved across the world over thousands of years.

To make sure you receive updates on all my news and releases, please join my mailing list… I promise not to bombard you! Your welcome email may go straight to your spam folder so please make sure to mark it as not spam so you receive my messages. THANK YOU!

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Sending peace and love to you all x

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